This photo series was taken a couple summers ago by "the other Kate" (*see note below) as we call each other. These are pretty much my most favorite photos ever taken of me. As cheesy as it sounds, they remind me that sometimes you just have to swallow your fears and/or pride, take a leap of faith and know that it is all going to be worth it in the end. I can still feel my heart pounding and my stomach leaping into my throat as I jumped off that incredibly high deck, the wind in my hair as I fell, the cool, refreshing splash into the water and the exhilaration after coming to the surface thinking "that was uh-MAY-zing! Let's do it again!" Here's to 100 more leaps of faith...
*The other Kate and I met on my first job in Austin and instantly became friends, and not just because we were two of the only girls on a male dominated crew. She is a talented, smart, hilarious, beautiful girl who happens to be damn good behind a camera and is incredibly supportive of most everything that I do.You can check out her latest photography ventures here and here.
HEY LOOK! you made me famous! :) thanks for the shout-out!